Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Of John Locke And Marsela From Miguel De Cervantes Don...

When one thinks of Marsela from Miguel de Cervantes Don Quixote, one usually do not correlate Marsela with John Locke, the famous english philosopher. Marsela is known for her undefeated beauty as a shepherd, whereas John Locke is better known for his theory of the human mind as it has been discussed by many people over the years. If John Locke is also one of the shepherds in the novel, he will not be attracted to Marcela’s beauty. Through John Locke’s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, he is going to criticize the idea of beauty, Marcela’s funeral speech, and a hypothetical situation in which they know each other to see what would Locke and Marcela do in different kinds of situations Marcela was born in a wealthy family as her†¦show more content†¦Primary qualities are mainly our senses and objects that are perceived to be the same for everyone. Secondary qualities â€Å"are nothing like our ideas, existing in the Bodies themselves. They are in Bodies, we denominate them, only a Power to produce those Sensations in us† Secondary qualities occur in our mind, therefore, everyone’s perception it can be different. Which is why John Locke does not agree with Cervantes’ idea that most of the guys that saw Marcela immediately falls in love with her beauty. Afterall, everyone’s perception of beauty is different, therefore, beauty is considered a secondary qualities. If John Locke is in Gristostomo’s place, he might not find Marcela beautiful or she is beautiful but her beauty is not his type. During Gristostomo’s funeral, Marcela gave a speech to defend her actions as to why Gristostomo’s death is not her fault. A fter Gristotomo’s death, everyone in the village blamed Marcela for his death. Marcela states in her speech that,â€Å" By that natural understanding which God ... I cannot see how, by reason of being loved, that which is loved for its beauty is bound to love that which loves it; besides, it may happen that the lover of that which is beautiful may be ugly, and ugliness being detestable† Marcela’s argument is that it is not her fault that God has made her so beautiful, besides, most people just like her because she has a pretty face. John Locke will criticize Marsela for her

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