Friday, February 28, 2020

Juvenile Justice Policy Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Juvenile Justice Policy - Research Paper Example The juvenile system deals with youth who have broken the law and are at risk of turning into a problematic issue for the justice system in the future. Unlike the established judicial system that has been designed to punish and rehabilitate wrongdoers within the society, the juvenile system mainly focuses on the aspect of rehabilitation rather than punishment for the mistakes of those who have been committed to the system (Barbaree & Marshall, 2008). The idea behind this is that those who are still in the youthful stages of their lives have a higher chance of correcting their ways and becoming assets to their communities, and this is what the system has been made to help them achieve. The juvenile system aims at trying to redirect young delinquents back to the right path before it is too late. There are several policies that have been setup as a result with a view to achieving this aim and one of these was focused on the Native American population and their education. This policy focu sed on finding Native American youth who were not receiving the required level of care and attention with regard to issues such as the development of their education and stepping into the parental roles to provide these needs (Woolard & Scott, 2009). At one time, the policy functioned by identifying these youthful individuals and removing them from their homes when deemed necessary and placing them in residential schools. This policy emerged after it was discovered that many Native Americans did hold much weight in the western education system and thus did not insist on their children acquiring this education from the school systems that were at their disposal (Bartol & Bartol, 2009). As a result, a large number of these youth resorted to juvenile crimes that got them in trouble with law enforcement and set precedence for them in terms of their future. It was figured that if this was to continue, many of these youth delinquents would grow up to be serious criminals unless something was to be done about the situation. The system worked with the collaboration of the members of society who would report instances where they felt that their neighbors were neglecting their children and thus intervention was needed. The government would then send an official to investigate the claims, and if the accusations were found to be justified the minor was removed from the home and taken to foster care where they would be enrolled into a residential school that was near the vicinity (Siegel& Welsh, 2011). The children would also be identified according to files that were developed on those who had been found culpable of a number of crimes and thus had a record with the juvenile system. If an individual was a repeat offender then concern would be raised within the department, and an official would be sent to the individual’s home to determine whether their domestic environment was a reason behind their delinquent behavior (Barbaree & Marshall, 2008). These methods of id entification seemed to be successful at the beginning, but as time wore on there were a number of issues that were found with such arrangements. Some of the disadvantages or flaws that were identified within the system included issues such as greed whereby foster parents would attempt

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Potential grows for food crisis as prices surge Essay

Potential grows for food crisis as prices surge - Essay Example Point where this demand and supply meets determines the equilibrium price level at given point in time (Leamer, 2009). (Arnold, 2008) Agricultural goods demand and supply and its respective equilibrium price are largely intervened by government due to many factors such as maintaining farmers’ income stream etc. It is done by restricting supply by restricting the overall production per acreage, restricting export to certain countries, increasing tariffs, restricting price over and above equilibrium( floor price) etc. Figure below explains demand supply scenario that increases price due to supplier responding to international demand. Initially with given demand D and supply S in a country, the price is determined at equilibrium P. In case of issues in other countries such as drought etc and the country in discussion starts exporting agricultural goods to them, the supply curve shifts in the local market from S to S’. At the current point where local demand in the country is D and the supply squeezes from S to S’, the price in the local market increases from P to P1. Demand from other countries increases and the curve shifts from D to D’ towards right. The supply curve also sifting from S to S’ with supply distributed between local and international market, the new price determined will be P2. This new price is high above then price determined based on local market demand. The supplier to get benefit of this increased demand responds to the international demand, hence neglecting local demand (Mankiw, 2009). To mention as evident from the above figure, it is visible that demand curve had a greater shift towards right as it is incorporating the increased demand from the other countries in trouble, hence causing greater shift in price. The supply curve on the other hand had smaller shift due to inelastic in nature causing comparatively less shift in price (O'Sullivan and Sheffrin, 2003). The scenario can also be reverse as in case t he surplus supplies overall worlds is enough to meet the demand. These cause huge variations in the income of farmers, increased supplies causes decline in prices that negatively affects farmers’ situation whereas shortage cause inflated prices and disadvantage to buyer. To control this variation in pricing, government of different countries intervenes in the market and control the supply with restrictions exports and increased tariffs on exports or even bans that maintain the price level in local market (Brickley and Zimmerman, 2009). Whereas to control the declining prices of the agricultural products government fixes floor prices (that is over and above equilibrium prices) and buys from farmer surplus products (Wessels, 2000). When excess is bought by government the level of supply available for customer is less and hence the floor price is adjusted as equilibrium price. (Rittenberg and Tregarthen) The surplus bought from farmer is then used for other purposes. For instanc e, US government uses this surplus for sending in aid programs. Also to maintain this excess supply, government pays farmer certain amount to reduce the per acreage production. These measures to maintain price from access price are however, harmful as they appear not aimed to maintain the income level of farmer but to maintain the international price level. As evident from the history, the supply has never in excess as compare to increase in demand of entire world keeping in consideration the factor of rising population level around the